The World War II Multimedia Database

For the 72 Million

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can I use these images/videos on my own site?

Can I link to your site?

Can I download these videos/images in my PowerPoint/Video presentation?

Can I get high resolution images from you?

I found a broken link. Who should I tell?

I found a historical error. Who should I tell?

You’re just wrong about the whole idea in an essay. What should I do?

What is this project?

Can I use these images/videos on my own site?
Yes, if you send an E-mail to the webmaster requesting permission and post a a credit and link to our site:

World War II Multimedia Database

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Can I link to your site?
Please go right ahead with a text link. Hotlinking of photos on our server is blocked. You will have to copy the image and host it on your own website. All blocked images show up with our logo.

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Can I download these videos/images in my PowerPoint/Video presentation?
Please send a request to our webmaster requesting permission and post a a credit and link to our site:

World War II Multimedia Database

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Can I get high resolution images from you?
The World War II Multimedia Database only has the images posted. You can right-click and save the image for a high-resolution copy. We do not provide unwatermarked versions; see the Library of Congress or the National Archives.

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I found a broken link. Who should I tell?
Send a request to our webmaster please.

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I found a historical error. Who should I tell?
Send a request to our webmaster please.

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You’re just wrong about the whole idea in an essay. What should I do?
You can vent your frustrations to the webmaster or you can start your own World War II website.

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What is this project? The World War II Multimedia Database was Jason McDonald’s undergraduate thesis in 1999 at Fordham University. He remade it after graduation. Then he got married, had a kid, got a job as a History teacher, and the site kinda lost momentum. He’s back working on it as of January 2024.

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© 2024 The World War II Multimedia Database

Theme by Anders Norén