The World War II Multimedia Database

For the 72 Million

Japanese Prisoner of War Receives a Cigarette on Iwo Jima

Image Information
United States Marine gives a Japanese soldier a cigarette before pulling him out of a shell hole. Armed with a grenade, the soldier was lying in wait for 36 hours. Marines saw him buried in the black sand and were able to knock the grande out of reach. He surrendered, but thinking he might be booby trapped, they approached cautiously. He requested a cigarette and got it; then he was dug out of the shell hole. TheThird and Fourth Marine Divisions broke up the remaining organized resistance on March 16, 1945, the same day this photo was taken. Occasionally individual enemy soldiers armed with demolition charges and grenades raced out against tanks or groups of Marines but were shot down before they could do any great damage to personnel or equipment. Isolated pockets, totaling some 3,000 enemy soldiers, remained around the island. United States V Amphibious Corps Command declared Iwo Jima secure at 1800 Hours on MArch 16, but another ten days of fighting remained. Only 216 prisoners were captured between February 19 and March 26, 1945. The United States Army‘s 147th Infantry Regiment would capture another 867 between March 27 and May 1945. A major push by psychological warfare experts to encourage holdouts to surrender on March 17, 1945 netted few results. Japanese Commander Lieutenant General Tadamichi Kuribayashi radioed nearby island ChiChi Jima, “They [the Americans] advised us to surrender by a loudspeaker, but we only laughed at this childish trick and did not set ourselves against them.“
Image Filename wwii1105.jpg
Image Size 158.96 KB
Image Dimensions 432 x 500
Photographer Unknown
Photographer Title
Caption Author Jason McDonald
Date Photographed March 16, 1945
Location Iwo Jima Shell Hole in Cushman‘s Pocket
City Iwo Jima
State or Province Bonins
Country Japan
Record Number
Status Caption ©2007, ©2024 MFA Productions LLC
Please Do Not Duplicate or Distribute Without Permission

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