The World War II Multimedia Database

For the 72 Million

New Manzanar Arrivals Wait for Housing

Image Information
Recently arrived interned Japanese-Americans queue for housing assignments. Begun in March of 1942, the Manzanar War Relocation Center was built by Los Angeles contractor Griffith and Company. Construction proceeded 10 hours a day 7 days a week; major construction was completed within six weeks. On March 21 the first 82 Japanese Americans made the 220-mile trip by bus from Los Angeles. More volunteers soon followed to help build the relocation center. Over the next few days 146 more Japanese Americans arrived in 140 cars and trucks under military escort. Another 500 Japanese Americans, mostly older men, arrived from Los Angeles by train. By mid April, up to 1,000 Japanese Americans were arriving at Manzanar a day and by mid May Manzanar had a population of over 7,000. By July Manzanar‘s population was nearly 10,000. Over 90 percent of the evacuees were from the Los Angeles area; others were from Stockton, California, and Bainbridge Island, Washington. Manzanar incarcerated 10,046 internees at its peak. A total of 11,070 people would be imprisoned there. The War Relocation Authority closed Manzanar On November 21, 1945.
Image Filename wwii1103.jpg
Image Size 279.83 KB
Image Dimensions 983 x 754
Photographer Unknown
Photographer Title
Caption Author Jason McDonald
Date Photographed April 24, 1942
Location Manzanar War Relocation Center
City Manzanar War Relocation Center
State or Province California
Country United States
Record Number
Status Caption ©2007, ©2024 MFA Productions LLC
Please Do Not Duplicate or Distribute Without Permission

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