The World War II Multimedia Database

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Open Pit Air Raid Shelter

Image Information
Commuters huddle in makeshift air raid shelter during civil defense drill. After the Doolittle Raid in April 1942, instructions for making shelters like this one were widely printed in newspapers. While many militarists in the government believed air raid precautions were unpatriotic, nevertheless rudimentary training of the public began and rudimentary shelters were built. The problem with open shelters such as these was that open pits could not protect against bombs and debris from above, and the shelters turned into crematoria when the firestorm hit.
Image Filename wwii1204.jpg
Image Size 920.54 KB
Image Dimensions 2036 x 2867
Photographer Unknown
Photographer Title
Caption Author Jason McDonald
Date Photographed October 08, 1943
Location Open Pit for Commuters
City Osaka
State or Province Osaka Prefecture
Country Japan
Record Number
Status Caption ©2007, ©2024 MFA Productions LLC
Please Do Not Duplicate or Distribute Without Permission

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