The World War II Multimedia Database

For the 72 Million

Baby Gets Burns Treated In Hiroshima

Image Information
Doctors treat a baby with severe burns after the atomic attack in a still from an Education Ministry film. Most casualties received little, if any, treatment. Food, medicine and clean water were scarce. Because of the devastation, many were left in the open and died. Photographic and film evidence, as well as written reports, were confiscated by the United States government, who feared the reaction of the public just as the Cold War required atomic testing and increased funding. This film was saved by a Japanese technician who hid it in Nippon Eiga Shinsha studio, where it was discovered in 1993. A similar written account by the first American reporter to enter the city, George Weller of the Chicago Daily News, was suppressed. Wilfred Burchett defied the ban on reporters visiting Hiroshima, traveling thirty miles by train the visit the destroyed city. Burchett‘s article, headlined “The Atomic Plague,“ was published on September 5, 1945, in the London Daily Express. Other reporters, like William L. Laurence, the Pulitzer Prize-winning science reporter for The New York Times, worked with or for the War Department and published articles refuting the idea that radiation caused large numbers of casualties.
Image Filename wwii1092.jpg
Image Size 74.23 KB
Image Dimensions 512 x 387
Photographer Unknown
Photographer Title Education Ministry
Caption Author Jason McDonald
Date Photographed September 06, 1945
Location Hospital
City Hiroshima
State or Province Hiroshima Prefecture
Country Japan
Record Number
Status Caption ©2007, ©2024 MFA Productions LLC
Please Do Not Distribute or Duplicate Without Permission

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