The World War II Multimedia Database

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“Corkscrew and Blowtorch“ – Napalm and Flame-Throwers on Okinawa

Image Information
Men of Fourth Regiment, Sixth Marine Division, Tenth Army, using “corkscrew and blowtorch“ techniques of flame-throwers, explosives, and riflemen at the perimeter, to eliminate remnants of the Imperial Japanese 32nd Army on June 22, 1945. The First and third battalions converged from the east and west on positions east of the village of Kiyamu. While American casualties remained high across Okinawa as 32nd Army disintegrated, Japanese casualties increased from a few hundred to over 4,000 per day. The number of Japanese surrendering increased as well, from four per day at the start of the campaign to 343 on June 19 and 977 on June 20. 500 civilians also surrendered, overcoming fear of massacre at the hands of the Americans. Lieutenant General Mitsui Ushijima, commander of the 32nd Army, and Major General Isama Cho committed suicide at 0345 Hours on June 22, the same day Okinawa was declared secured by United States Tenth Army. Scattered resistance continued until June 30.
Image Filename wwii1125.jpg
Image Size 154.04 KB
Image Dimensions 391 x 500
Photographer Unknown
Photographer Title United States Marine Corps
Caption Author Jason McDonald
Date Photographed June 22, 1945
Location Kiyama
City Okinawa
State or Province Ryukyus
Country Japan
Archive United States Marine Corps
Record Number
Status Caption ©2007, ©2024 MFA Productions LLC
Image in the Public Domain

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