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Private First Class Lawrence Bartlett Examines the Siegestor

Image Information
Private First Class Lawrence W. Bartlett (1924-1985), Niagara Falls, New York, examines the four fallen lions which once adorned the top of the Siegestor, built by King Ludwig I, in 1844-1852 in tribute to the Bavarian Army. The Siegestor (Victory Gate) in Munich, is a three-arched triumphal arch crowned with a statue of Bavaria with a lion-quadriga, similar in style to the Arch of Constantine in Rome, the Marble Arch in London, the Arc de Triomphe in Paris and the Brandenburger Tor in Berlin. It is located between the university and the Ohmstrassüe, on the intersection of the Leopoldstrassüe and the Ludwigstrassüe. Therefore it divides the two Munich districts of Maxvorstadt and Schwabing. The gate was commissioned by King Ludwig I of Bavaria, designed by Friedrich von Gssßrtner and completed in 1852. The quadriga was created by Martin Wagner. The gate was originally dedicated to the glory of the Bavarian army (dem bayerischen Heere zum Ruhme). Today the Siegestor is a monument and reminder to peace. After sustaining heavy damage in World War II, the gate was – similar to the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedssßchtniskirche in Berlin – reconstructed and restored only partially. The inscription on the back side is by Wilhelm Hausenstein and reads Dem Sieg geweiht, vom Krieg zerstss‚àÇrt, zum Frieden mahnend, which translates as “Dedicated to victory, destroyed by war, reminding of peace“. In the last couple of years, the statues that remained were meticulously cleaned and restored.
Image Filename wwii1000.jpg
Image Size 1.58 MB
Image Dimensions 2355 x 2904
Photographer Unknown
Photographer Title
Caption Author Jason McDonald
Date Photographed June 13, 1945
Location Siegestor, intersection of the Leopoldstrassüe and the Ludwigstrassüe
City Munich
State or Province District Line of Maxvorstadt and Schwabing
Country Germany
Archive National Archives and Records Administration
Record Number
Status Caption ©2007, ©2024 MFA Productions LLC
Image in the Public Domain

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